Tuesday, July 3, 2007

being 9 in a strange world

The big thing with girls now days is being popular that means , being cool, petite, have lots of friends,pretty,smart,and sometimes means I have to choose either to be like them, or to be myself. and that gets pretty hard. Sometimes when I come home I'll just burst out crying.I might not be popular or have popular friends but I have a very good friend.


Imperial said...

I remember being 9. Basically the same thing, except take out girl, petite, pretty, and put in boy, tough, and stuff like that. Remember, we will all support you in your hard times!

Hol said...

At 15 I've struggled with the same things. You just learn to accept who you are and who God created you to be, and rejoice in that. =)

You have more friends than you think! =)

Hol said...

Great song, btw =)

Goose said...

thanks holly : )

Thrawn said...

I've always been able to accept myself and be humble at the same time. :D. Kidding..

Goose said...
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